Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wow! It's been a while... my bad.

Okay, haven't been in here posting much - why? Life.
Simple and direct, but the most messy and busy place that we deal with every day.
So here's a little bit that's been going on that's been keeping me rather busy, stressed and frustrated.

First is the fact my income has been falling, it's been going down since 2009 when my web business went down. I've been trying to recoup the funds I lost due to children growing up and yet I still need that money to keep the bills paid. So I've done freelance work, online marketing and metal scrapping, everything we could do to get up the money.

Funny thing about earning the same money that I was given as a benefit, it seems that this money is counted against me. The disability I get was reduced because I was now earning that $350 a month, though I didn't always make that much, I now lost a portion of my deposit. This was upsetting and frustrating, because I now had to make more money to replace the funds that I was now losing from disability. That was making things even more difficult than before.

Now some years back I tried to get a modification done on my mortgage. I spent almost a year sending documents back and forth with the servicing company. It was a stressful, frustrating and upsetting situation. Finally, I got a response, but it was disappointing. They told me that they didn't have permission to do a modification on my loan. Well, that seemed simple enough to fix - get permission.
Well, they tried and later told me that the holders of my mortgage had chosen to not participate in the "Make Homes Affordable" program. These people decided to not help me to make it easier to pay my mortgage. Now I'm not underwater on my note, if fact, I've been lucky that way since there isn't that great a neighborhood to keep my home assessment up. The reason that my mortgage is so difficult to keep up is that I'm dealing with a 10.84% APR - which is nuts, considering the current rates.

I mentioned this because I was contacted just a few weeks ago. It seems that my escrow has a shortage, so my payment is going to be increased to cover the higher taxes and insurance on my account. So now I'm having to pay even more, while I'm losing more monthly income. This has not been something easy to deal with and I've been very busy trying to find a fix for this problem. So far I'm not finding a lot of answers or options to help.

The last thing that's been keeping me busy and taking up my time is the fact that I'm writing again. I've been working on a few projects that I'm in the middle of getting published. I've a mystery that is in the end stages, a fantasy that I've just started & I'm taking some online classes. I've been checking out software, trying to find some tools to help me out and keep things on track. I've also a poetry book that still needs a few illustrations before it's done. Researching the various options that are available for publishing and of course there's my main website that I need to put together also. I'm finding that branding and marketing are part of the publishing end - something I'm not too good at right now. But I do know some people that are great at this sort of thing, which I'll be calling on them to help me.

So this is the larger areas in life that have been causing some hiccups and speed bumps on my road. But these are far from the only things that have been keeping me tangled up and unable to get moving. Health issues, transportation, being able to get things done when dealing with pain isn't easy. Not having transportation is a big issue - can't get out shopping, get to doctor appointments, can't get to therapy. It stinks. There's nothing worse than being home bound - it's like being in a kind of prison because you can't go whenever you want. Especially if your disabled and mobility is an issue. That is something that can make life a real nightmare - I deal with all this daily.

Well, I will be trying to get in here more and more to keep this updated. I will have to do it tricky, which means I'm going to write posts whenever I can and send it to my blog. Then it will update my blog with those posts. I've found a nice little program that will do that for me and it's going to be a great way for me to start keeping things updated easier.

So until I get the next post done - take care and grab hold of life and try to make it what you want it to be.
Keep moving forward!
Carpe Diem!

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