Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thinking ahead to Halloween and other things...

Besides, it takes my mind off all the negative mess that is going on and gives me a much needed break to dwell on something much more fun and fang-tastic...even if it's just for a little while.
I've even something special for anyone that loves Halloween as much as I do. If you've never heard of Dover Publishing, you're in for a treat. I have often wished to go a little spending happy when I get their catalogs. But I resist most of the time, especially with money so tight.

Their books are great, the prices are too...but I just can't do it right now. But here's the treat I can get from Dover and they put it right into my email samples from some of their books. Check out these spirited samples I just got the other day...

Dover Book Sampler - Get Ready for Halloween!

Remember paper dolls and paper clothes...or am I just showing my age? I recall showing my eldest paper dolls, but I don't think my younger daughters ever got a chance to play with them. Well, believe it or not - Dover has them! If my financial situation wasn't so thin, I'd try and get one of their books just to show my teenager what I played with as a young girl. Oddly enough, I have a very curious daughter that likes to know about that sort of thing. She is very much an independent and caring young miss, who still gives me hugs and likes to spend time going for walks with mom.

I don't get anything for anyone going to this site, they don't have an affiliate program. I just wanted to share something I have knowledge about and enjoy. I have other resources for Halloween if you would like to check them out...just know that I will use anything as a teaching or learning experience... Holidays are no exception... As my son's been known to say about my kind of teaching. "You're sneaky..."

Halloween Safety Tips
It may be from Los Angeles, CA - but I think it is a very nicely put together listing.

The Teacher's Corner
There are worksheets and other links here. I'm not sure if this site is updated frequently, but there are some good material resources here.

It's true that you can only view a few items before they want you to subscribe - but for teachers and home schoolers this resource is just too good to leave out. I love this booklet - it's a lot of fun!

Salvation Army
Now this would apply to your own location, but thrift shops, second hand stores are a treasure trove of wondrous Halloween delight. With a little imagination, perhaps a little glue, glitter or a sewing kit - a vast number of costumes can be created for everyone. With pirates, princesses and the like being so popular - these places would offer a wealth of materials... nurses, superheroes, vampires and witches are all waiting to be discovered among the cast offs and recycled items.

If you have just have to have a store bought costume - don't forget to check for coupons or discount codes to save you a little on the cost - maybe enough for a mini pizza party after trick-or-treating...

Party Time
If you aren't the type to want to go hiking through the neighborhoods looking for the mega score for treats...maybe you like to be the life of the party... Well, this is a great place I found for getting great items for all kinds of parties.

Pretty Party Place
I'm hoping to be able to order up some Wall-E items for my son's birthday in November...the prices are really good, especially if it's only a small gathering. I have had a lot of trouble finding places that would let me get items for a party of under 10 - most of the packages were for 25 or more! That is way too many kids in one place that isn't a park or CiCi's Pizza!

Game Time
Too old to be trick-or-treating? No kids to take out and don't want to have a party or pass out candy? Well, even if you aren't into gaming too much, you can still have some fun online. A bunch of games celebrate the Spooks are loose night in a grand way.

Guild Wars  - purchase and then play for free after...
They celebrate the pumpkin king in a grand way in this online rpg - check out last years event!

World of Warcraft  - purchase and monthly membership fee after 30 days. Offers a limited time trial so you can try it out
This Hallow's End check out what is happening in WoW - at least for those that can afford it.  If not the free trial is available to a at least look around for the spookfest...check out the event happenings here.

Now for those that don't want to buy a game to play, with no fees to worry about...then take a look at this mmo free game list and see if there isn't anything that you might find to have fun with. A little virtual chaos is great stress relief for those that need it and who know who you might meet up with while you're leveling...

MMO Free Game list 

Plus some of the cute games are great rewards for good grades and completed chores. Also some of the keyboard controls help to improve eye and hand coordination. Plus if they want to play and chat to friends they'll have to learn the keys fast, so they can talk while playing...sneaky way to improve their typing skills.

Well, that's all for this post. I'm going to go enjoy a little stress relief myself. Believe it or not, my kids got me hooked on the Disney online game Pirates of the Caribbean - it's just a basic membership, which is free - but as long as Capt. Sparrow is lurking about - I'm game to play. It's actually rather challenging, with ship to ship battles and timed sword play abilities. Has a bit of realism and plenty of familiar faces from the PotC movie. So if you happen to see the White Witch sailing by, call out an ahoy and perhaps we can hoist the colors together...

Till next time mate,  may the wind fill your sails...

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