Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sometimes it's a bit Depressing

With the way things are going financially and with so many people in trouble...I had to try to find a way to keep from drowning in depression.

The news tends to focus on all the negative and hardship, rarely do you see a positive story that lifts the spirits and heart. I know stuff like that is happening, that there are people that are trying to make things better...we just don't hear much about it.

Like the editor says,"Bad news sells papers!"
Wouldn't it be great if good news sold more papers?
Like what happened after the last election...with papers worldwide covering that single event... I began to hope again last not feel afraid...and no matter how difficult things get, I'm not going to lose that hope again...

I have to make changes, but they will be my changes...I will move forward and reach for my dreams again...

This way, I can show my kids that it's more than just's more than's about really getting your hands dirty and being active in life. It's about truly living one's life to the fullest. Life's messy, dangerous & scary - but it's also exciting, wonderful & amazing.

The journey belongs to the one living it - to choose to drift along and ride the ebb and flow letting it carry us along to where ever it goes. Or we can make the decision instead to live life as one extremely awesome and memorable time!

What do you want to leave behind? There is so much to do that can create a legacy, something to offer others not yet born. The choice for all of us is how we decide what to do. Drift along or steer for your own guiding star...

As I glide along, choosing my path ahead, I wish you well on your own journey. Carpe Diem!

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